
Battle brothers perks guide
Battle brothers perks guide

Full Force perk also can add you decent damage boost from all the heavy fatigue gear to your weapon. 2 Perks also for shield knockback making it fatigue and AP cheap along with causing some damage. Weapon selection also changed with Military Glaives and such that pack more decent damage values, along with perks that make spearwalling really cheap when it comes to fatigue, spearwaller + mastery is -50% fatigue 30->15. But Stalwart would also be option now for non-indomitable tanky dodging character more focused on spamming other skills such as Return Favor that has 50% chance to stun anyone missing hit at you which obviously has synergy with Riposte = enemy misses, gets hit and stunned. Going still the adrenaline/recover/indomitable route as its the maximum survivability build. Very high default Mdef and focus on defensive/shield/spear perks. Im currently building my maintank out of Shieldmaiden class as they are pretty much aimed at such role to begin with. Now picked up Noble start for 2nd game because i really like quickhands perk and the flexibility it brings. I only just started, first game with OP adventurers which was good introduction to all new starting classes but it felt also tutorial level easy with so overpowered superhero bro team from beginning.

Battle brothers perks guide